Enzyme is an active proteins, mainly contain of more than 20 types of amino acid. An enzyme functions can be divided into six categories, Oxidoreductase, Transferase, Hydrolase, Lyase,Isomerase. Ligase . Thease are thousands typles of enzymes, each enzyme has a specific function. " Enzymes act as the "Catalyst" (Biocatalysts) role in the human body , participated in all the physical activities, degest all the food intake or body decomposition Synthesis, metabolism, and other physiological activities are required various types of enzymes to function.
Enzymes play a very important role in our body system. And is a very important substance for human body. We can’t live without enzymes. Human body itself can produce enzyme by itself, but with aging, environmental pollution, poor dietary habits, bad living lifestyle, drug abuse and other, external factors will decrease our body’s ability to produce enzymes. This will affect shortages of enzymes in human body and will affect our metabolic system.
“酵素是什麼?” 簡單來說,酵素又稱為“酶”,屬於一種活性蛋白質,主要由20多種胺機酸所組成,酵素一其功能可分為六大類,即氧化還原酶 Oxidoreductase 、轉移酶 Transferase、水解酶 Hydrolase 、解離酶 Lyase 、異構酶 Isomerase、合成酶 Ligase 。目前已知的酵素已達數千種,每一種酵素都具有特定功能,即指若將脂肪分解酵素用作分解蛋白質是無法作用的,這種特性就稱為酵素的“單一性”。酵素在體內擔任“生體催化劑”(Biocatalysts)的角色,參予人體所有的生理活動,舉凡將所攝取的食物分解或體內的合成、代謝作用等各項大大小小的生理活動均需酵素參與才能進行。
English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enzymes